Problem Statement

Many college students don't have classes in school that would satisfy their need to learn a foreign language, and it can be painful and overwhelming to continue the tedium of learning extra content outside of school hours. Students need an app that makes learning a foreign language fun and motivating!

HMW Statement: How do we help college students who don't have a foreign language program at school to persist in learning a language outside of class?


Target Audiences & The Core User Needs

My target audiences are obviously college students who need to learn a foreign language. I interviewed five students of different ages and majors and summarized five things they need from a foreign language learning app:


The solution I came out with is a karaoke-style learning app that allows students to learn basic vocabulary while enjoying fun content in a gamified way that makes it easier to stick with. In addition, I added an attractive reward system and an update system to encourage users to learn.


My first 3 ideas of the foreign language learning app

Classic self-study app with schedule and alarm:

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Online tutoring:

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